As a Recruitment Agency, there are two things we see a lot of daily! CV’s and Job Descriptions. Here we’re concentrating on the latter with a free Job Description Template for you and your teams.

Why do you need one? Well, capturing as much information as possible about the role you’re hiring for is vital to hiring the right person. Today, the description of a role has to be more than just a list of responsibilities but should be a single source of information for everything the employer and candidate need to understand about the position. From skills required to company culture and applicable benefits, starting with a strong job description can save a lot of time and hassle further along the process. Not to mention, a detailed job description helps you or your agency, write the best possible job advert!


So, have this one on us – Download your free Job Description Template here. Send it around to all your Hiring Managers and get the best possible start to your hiring process.

Do you have a vacancy to fill? Talk to us about how we can help with your recruitment needs! Call our team for a chat on 01908 229589 or email